Electronics science and technology limited co***ny of Guangzhou is the profession is engaged in each kind of miniature, personal calculator, server and the figures product sales, ministrant of high-tech co***ny.Co***ny descend establish big customer's department, the HP product retail department, technique service department, market department, guest to take the department.The co***ny and the hps have long three years of cooperation history, increasing in value to cooperate the colleague for the south area core dealer,2003 years of the HP( CO***Q) .Another co***ny still a CISCO, south region gold medal business agent of the 3 COM network product ;Special contract business agent of IBM;Kodak profession business agent;The APC power supply act for;The Chin Hua purple light OCR software cooperates the colleague;Siemens from control the equipments to gather co***ny, the NORDX/ CDT authorization gold medal IBDN comprehensive cloth line system attestation gather co***ny;Excellent business agent of INTEL;Special contract dealer of PHILIPS;Associate the product special contract business agent.